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The Inclusion Journey

Creating a strategy that improves employee engagement and company results

Design and implement a clear action plan to achieve real inclusion in your organization.
Temporarily Unavailable
EAN: 9781398616721
Edition: 1
Format: 234x156
304 pages

About the book

Building a diverse, equitable and inclusive organization is not only the right thing to do for society, it's the right thing to do for the business. Productivity, engagement and profitability all improve with a more inclusive workplace.

Written for all HR professionals, talent managers and leaders concerned with inclusion in their organization, The Inclusion Journey explains how to identify the actions that will make real impact, implement meaningful change, track and report on progress and build diversity and inclusion strategies that result in long-term growth.

This practical book allows readers to assess their company's current situation when it comes to diversity and inclusion and define their objectives for the future. It also shows how to produce a prioritized action plan that will enable the business to work towards its goals and track the progress along the way. It covers everything from the business benefits of inclusion and the current inclusion gaps in the organization, through to assembling the right people and resources needed to close these gaps. There is also guidance on how to get stakeholder buy-in for EDI activity and advice on how to link diversity and inclusion goals to overall business objectives.

Packed full of real world examples, interviews, exercises and checklists throughout, there are also downloadable worksheets to provide practitioners with everything they need to see the business benefits of inclusion in practice and have the tools they need to achieve these in their own organization.

About the authors

Allegra Chapman is the co-founder of Watch this Sp­_ce, a multi award winning diversity and inclusion consultancy and has over 10 years' experience in helping organizations to define their values and purpose. Based in West Sussex, UK, she was named as one of the UK's most inspirational female entrepreneurs of 2023.

Mousumi Kanjilal Williams is the co-founder of Watch this Sp_ce. She has spent more than 20 years helping national and international corporations to drive innovation and growth through inclusive teams. Based in Brighton, UK, she is also a writer, campaigner, conference speaker and mentor for The Girls' Network.