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Out of Print

Newspapers, Journalism and the Business of News in the Digital Age

Learn how journalism can flourish in a new communications age.
EAN: 9780749466510
Edition: 1
Format: 234x156
256 pages

About the book

News and journalism are in the midst of upheaval: shifts such as declining print subscriptions and rising website visitor numbers are forcing assumptions and practices to be rethought from first principles. The internet is not simply allowing faster, wider distribution of material: digital technology is demanding transformative change. Out of Print analyzes the role and influence of newspapers in the digital age and explains how current theory and practice have to change to fully exploit developing opportunities.
In Out of Print George Brock guides readers through the history, present state and future of journalism, highlighting how and why journalism needs to be rethought on a global scale and remade to meet the demands and opportunities of new conditions. He provides a unique examination of every key issue, from the phone-hacking scandal and Leveson Inquiry to the impact of social media on news and expectations. He presents an incisive, authoritative analysis of the role and influence of journalism in the digital age.

Online supporting resources for this book include downloadable lecture slides.

About the authors

George Brock is a professor and former head of the prestigious Graduate School of Journalism at City University London. During his career as a journalist he worked for the Observer and The Times, where he was Foreign Editor, Managing Editor and Saturday Editor. He has served as president of the World Editors Forum and is on the board of the International Press Institute. He is a regular commentator on news and journalism in the UK and global media and is an active conference speaker and reviewer.