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Writing Skills for Public Relations

Style and Technique for Mainstream and Social Media

Communicate effectively in writing, both to avoid misunderstanding and to keep the attention of readers, whatever the message might be.

In association with

EAN: 9780749465438
Edition: 5
Format: 233x154
280 pages

About the book

Writing Skills for Public Relations is filled with helpful pointers and useful examples for public relations practitioners at all levels who need to make the best use of written communication. Covering both style and presentation, it addresses the dos and don'ts of English grammar, including jargon and clichés, as well as important legal considerations. Along with guidance on editing, policing house style, writing for the press, public speaking, pronunciation and good text design and layout, this fifth edition provides valuable advice on writing for online and social media. This is an essential hands-on practical guide for anyone earning a living through the written or spoken word.

About the authors

John Foster has a background in journalism and has held senior public relations posts with Pira International and the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising. He has written, edited and produced work ranging from house journals, books, posters and brochures to speeches and presentations. A Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations, he was awarded the Institute's Stephen Tallents Medal for his 'contribution and commitment to the effective use of the written word'.