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How to Deal with Stress

How to Deal with Stress, 3rd edition, takes a psychological approach to stress, enabling you to build your own plan, gain control and improve your well-being.
EAN: 9780749467067
Edition: 3
Format: 215x140
224 pages

About the book

Straightforward, easy to read and practical, How to Deal with Stress, 3rd edition will put you back in charge of your life. Written by two internationally-recognized experts in the field of stress management, Cooper and Palmer provide a thorough understanding of the psychological causes of stress and the resulting physical effects, enabling you to build your own personal plan, improve well-being and enhance your performance at work.
Full of insight and examples from real people, a brand new chapter provides a practical worksheet to help you develop your problem solving skills and reduce stress day-to-day. Crammed full of techniques on how to deal with stressed employees and colleagues, How to Deal with Stress will help you achieve the ultimate long term goal.

About the authors

Stephen Palmer, PhD, is one of the UK's most influential experts on stress management. He is Founder-Director at the Centre for Stress Management and Honorary Professor of Psychology at City University, London. He has written or edited over 30 books on stress management, psychotherapy and coaching, including Understanding CBT, published by Kogan Page.

Cary Cooper, PhD, CBE, is a distinguished Professor of Organisational Psychology and Health at Lancaster University, President of the Brititsh Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy, past President of the British Academy of Management and established author.