- A ground-breaking guide to measuring and managing emotions for business success
- Foreword from Sam Simon, co-creator of The Simpsons
- Illustrated throughout
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'I believe that 'emotion' is where it's at'
Tom Peters
For far too long, emotions have been ignored in favour of rationality and efficiency, but breakthroughs in brain science have revealed that people are primarily emotional decision-makers. Many companies have not yet accepted that fact, much less acted on it.
In this fully revised edition, Emotionomics will help you to understand emotions in terms of business opportunities - both in the marketplace and in the workplace. In today's highly competitive marketplace where many products look alike, it is the emotional benefit that can make the difference. At the same time, companies with engaged, productive work forces will undoubtedly achieve competitive advantage. Dan Hill's book draws on insights gathered through facial coding, the single best viable means of measuring and managing the emotional response of customers and employees, to help you to leverage emotions for business success in terms of branding, product design, advertising, sales, customer satisfaction, leadership and employee management.
Emotions matter and Emotionomics will help you to step closer to customers and employees, but step ahead of your competitors.
This book is fascinating. It has hundreds of useful ways of discovering how consumers say one thing but feel and do another...In today's highly competitive marketplace many products look alike; it is the emotional benefit that can make the difference.
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